Work Event + Texas Legends

I have the unique opportunity and privilege to do some amazing things with my job.  On this particular occasion I had the chance to help organize with our team a jersey night with the Texas Legends.  From pre-game interviews, to half-time, radio shows and more this was a super fun event and I felt so so so fortunate to be able to make this a win for our team.

Just wanted to share a few pictures from the night with you.

Pre-game interviews. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, don't be nervous!

Speaking in the Owners Club to season ticket holders about our partnership. 

Radio interviews after the half-time show. 

What a great night for our community, organization, and for the Legends! It's moments like these that I am so grateful for these opportunities and the people I get to work with. 

Photos are courtesy of NBCF & TX Legends. 


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