An Update via Photos...

I would say that I have had little time to update my blog lately... but that would be a terrible lie.  I've just been lazy... there, I said it--BOO!  Looking back over the past blog posts, I've realized that there are tons of things that have been going on since Christmas that I haven't even informed you about! So here it goes, an update on my life, via the photos I've taken in the times in between.... Please note that my poor Nikon D90 has been out of commission and so the only thing I've had to take pics is my stupid iPhone. Lame...

Husband surprised me for Christmas with a workshop for me to start doing furniture painting and restoration. 

We had a lovely white Christmas in Georgia, my first Christmas away from my family, not waking up to my sister on Christmas morning, and fighting over who finds the pickle ornament first... yes I cried.  I took this picture outside on the front porch of Jonathan's aunt's house, this was the church across the street.  Cute little cottage of a town.

Had a great time with friends on New Years Eve, we rode the train into downtown and managed to make our way through the crowds at Victory Park. Crazy people where on the train that night.

Husband is currently in the process of re-doing our garage closets... here he is hard at work.  There was literally nothing but 50 years of dirt, a rat's nest in the ceiling, and open studs... now it's all fancy, we have a light and everything! Haha.

We had a doctor come to our house to see if I was healthy enough for life insurance...he took my blood and it hurt :(  Random, but it was traumatic.

 Before I started my new job on January 24th, I decided: new job, new do.  Still getting used to fixing it, it's been a while since I've had hair that I actually need to style!

 New office.  We are located in the business park directly across the tollway from IKEA... this is bad new bears for me.  Lord knows I will be spending most of my time here :)

After a week and a day's worth on the job a snow storm hit Dallas and we've been snowed in for the past 4 days. Cabin fever set it quick.  We organized, cooked, cleaned, drank ungodly amounts of coffee, AND we ended up painting our living room... (cue next photo :)

 Living Room BEFORE

Living Room BEFORE

 Living Room AFTER

Now before you go judging me for painting a black wall in my living room, allow me to inform you that it's not just ANY black wall.  It's a magnetic chalkboard!  I've been wanting to paint our orange all a chalk board for quite some time now.  I've seen it in a ton of design magazines and blogs... this kitchen is super cool.

I'm having to wait a couple of days before I write on it so it can be conditioned properly.  We also hung some floating shelves over our couch that I have really come to love. 

Well I think that's about it for now.  More to come soon. Hopefully I'll get some writing and other frames and pictures hung on my chalkboard wall.  I love it! 

Web-site of the Day:  The inspiration for all of my home design and decor- WEST ELM


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