Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?....

Boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years this June! (Insert high-pitch squeal here) I love this man, and anyone who knows me knows how much I love this man. And yes I want to love him, and kiss, him, and hug him, and snuggle him forever-and-ever-amen (You just threw up a little bit in your mouth didn't you?--that was my goal) Muuahahaha.

In our process of dating and beginning to talk more and more about marriage there are certain conversations and events that we know need to happen before the engagement can take place.  Well last night one of those events took place. Our parents met! Ahhh! I never thought this day would ever come, nor did i even have the slightest thought in my head of it ever happening, period. Call me crazy I just don't think about these things all the time.

Last week I got my wisdom teeth out (which by the way I do NOT recommend, unless you're a glutton for punishment/torture/pain and you like eating mushy food) and Boyfriend informed me that his parents were coming into town for a few days.  "Oh lovely," I thought "maybe I won't look like a complete goon by then and my swelling and pain will be gone & we can actually have a good time with them."  On the SAME day my mom calls to tell me that her and MRM (my step-dad) would be in town on the SAME days. First thoughts "Ok, that's fine.  I'll just come see you guys on Monday and Boyfriend can go see his family on Monday." I had this all worked out in my head until Boyfriend got wind of the news and his reply to all of it was "Well, why don't we just all have dinner together?"

........."I'm sorry....WHAT?!?!"

The thought alone made the holes in the back of my jaw start to throb harder than usual.  I hadn't ever thought this day would actually come...Wasn't that what the wedding was for? So the families could meet each other? What the heck is going on here? How do you do these things? Has anyone written a book on how to introduce his parents to your parents? No?...Great. Solution: Just go with it and don't freak. Easy enough.

So that's what we did.  We all gathered at my aunt & uncle's house in Flower Mound and had a cookout and viola...they met. I'm sure of you're first question... "Soooooo, how did it go?"  EXCELLENT! Went off without a hitch! And the best part.  No awkwardness! Thank the Jesus for no awkwardness. The conversation flowed, food was great, laugher was in the room, stories were told, the blend was great, friends were there to witness the whole thing, and it all just happened.  (There were 13 of us including family and friends)

A word to the wise: If you are ever faced with this situation and your parents are going to meet, invite  your other family members and special friends to come along too. They give you a sense of security and comfort and they can also help make the conversation and dynamic between the two parties flow nicely. I think my nerves actually calmed down once I saw that my Roomie was on the scene :)

What a milestone; I didn't even realize we hadn't crossed it until yesterday. It was one of those weird weights that you carry, not even realizing you carry it. Boyfriend and I were SO glad it went well.

Now they just have to meet my Dad's side of the family....that maybe a different story. Hahaha.

Web-site of the day:  This is where I will be spending most of our money once we get married :)


  1. Olivia (best Cuz ever)7:45 PM

    UHH--- yes, your dad's side of the family ROCKS because it has us cool Arizona people in it. :)Really though, I better not meet this man on the wedding day. SO, bring him out to good old Tucson.

  2. I know! We really should just find a weekend and come! Miss you, love you!


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