Gettin' my craft on...

Lately I've been feeling more and more of my inner Martha Stewart needing to come out. Last week on a rainy day I decided to make SOMETHING... anything that would make me feel like I was 13 again with my paints, glue, scissors, construction paper, sequins, and any other necessary supplies that would ensure a mess. This was the end result:

The blocks read "Let me take yo pitcha" :) Yeah it's a photo holder that looks like an alien t.v. It's ugly but I still like it & I guess that's all that matters.

Most of my recent creativity has spawned from one particular place... Photo-Jojo. It's a photographers one-stop-shop for creativity, inspiration, and cool camera gadgets. I think I visit the site at least 10 times a week! Here are my most recent purchases from the site:

This book is filled with creative photo projects and unique ideas for ways to display your photography. I think every photographer should own this book.

These are Fotoclips...they make cool wall displays for your photos...
And my favorite purchase... Magnetic Photo Strands

I have a wall similar to the one above in my apartment. It's definitely one of the best conversation pieces in our home and I get a ton of compliments on it.

Last Sunday I started a photo-mapping project. I wanted to do something that Jonathan and I could remember our New York trip by that would be artsy and even something that we could put on a wall in our home one day. All I had was a NY subway map and the pictures that we took. Here is my progress so far:

My plan is to mount the map against a cork board and using push pins and string photo-map the pins with the pictures. I am pretty excited about the finished project! Wahoo! I'll post more pics when it's completed.

Web-site of the Day: Duh!


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