First Engagement Photo Shoot

Ohhhh the devastation of having a blog post you've been working on for almost a week being deleted. I can not even begin to express the frustration I felt at work this week when my extra long blog post was deleted accidentally. Oh the AGONY! Hmm let's see if I can even remember what I wrote. What I think I might do is break up that post into smaller posts so the risk of deleting it will become less. Do you ever reason crap like that out in your head sometimes? Lame.

Ok so this will technically be post 1 of 5 probably....yeah I had a lot written.

I had the opportunity at the first of this year to do an engagement photo shoot. If only every photoshoot could be this much fun. I met Clay & Liz through a co-worker asking me to shoot the happy couple for thier engagement. Now If you know me and my new beginings in photography, I'm not all that needless to say I was a bit hesitant about taking on the job. This would be my very first engagement photo session and as of the time being, I'm just not that confident in my work to be honest. But I thought hey, why not, they are willing and they trust could only be to my gain & hopefully not their loss ;)

I met up with Clay & Liz at a local Starbucks on a snowy afternoon to meet & greet, and most importantly get to know them & their style. I had never really done this before so I thought to myself...ok what would I want MY photographer to say or do for my I did just that. They told me thier story, where they are in their lives, the whole 9 yards. Clay & Liz are SO cute in love it's absolutely wonderful and it's something that even a complete stranger can see immediately upon meetng them.

They day of the shoot I gave a 30 second pep talk to posing and my where-abouts during the day...and we went to work. Well actually Liz went to work..on the camera! She was amazing! Our first location was at Gateway Church's fountain. Now as freezing as it was Clay & Liz danced around the fountain to keep warm and it ended up working great for the shoot. This location was also very significant considering it's where Clay propsed on Easter Sunday to Liz! Aww! This was one of my favorite shots of the day- so much fun.

Our second location was the restaurant of their first date... Brio in Southlake Town Center. Now usually I would say that a shoot needs to last at about an hour but the kind manager at Brio offered us coffee since it was so what the hey, we took a coffee break. Lucky for me I ended up catching a few shots that turned out super cute outside at Brio's patio.

This was probably THE most fun day of shooting and with a couple that was awesome behind the camera.
Congrats Clay & Liz! You can see the entire photo shoot on My Flickr Page-Clay & Liz.


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