All moved in...

Wow....What an adventure it has been to get moved in! Roomie and I found a steal of a deal on a great little apartment in Las Colinas, and we are SO proud of our new place! Great thing is that I'm paying $250 less in rent (YIPEE) the only downfall is that it's on the 3rd floor, but ya know it hasn't been so bad. Due to our last apartment being a little drab with only 3 color tones we began making an inspiration board back a couple of months ago for our new place...very Anthropologie. (Which makes me happy) - I think we lost it in all the moving but when and if it shows up I'll post pic :)

To reminisce here are a few pictures from moving and one of the last sunsets enjoyed at our place in Carrollton:

After a few good antique store finds:

This chair for $20

these vintage brownie cameras for $40
and a few more touches of home, I'd say it turned out quite lovely....colorful...and lovely :) Within the first 48 hours of living in our little home we had a good 25 people come and visit us; I just LOVE friends!

If you've ever moved you know that no move is complete without some sort of random spill, fall, accident, or craziness. All of those are applicable to what happened the day of our move. Imagine this...

Our apartment complex had painted our place a week before we moved in and had left the extra 12 gallons of paint in our laundry room. Move in day rolls around (which by the way only cost us $78 to move) the movers are bringing up my washer & dryer, Jonathan is hanging draperies, and Roomie is bringing in boxes, and I am in the laundry room trying to move the paint buckets from the floor to the shelf above me in the laundry room. I'm sure you can tell where this is going. As I am trying to get this one bucket of grey paint up on the top shelf, the lid comes off and an entire gallon of paint comes showering down on me! I'm in a total state of shock, I let out some sort of noise relative to a scream and a gasp and Jonathan is the first to reach me.

In relief he says "Oh, it's just paint...I thought you might have been injured or cut yourself open." Ya know, I think I would have been calm had it been blood or an injury, but PAINT?!...paint is permanent! It was EVERYWHERE, all over me, my leg, my shirt, AND my most favoritest suede New Balance shoes- THAT was what I was most shocked about! Jonathan starts telling me to get towels... I CAN'T MOVE, anywhere that I go I'll get paint on everything I touch. There is a layer of paint about half an inch thick on the floor (now drying) and I can't move!

Jon begins to bark orders to Jenn and myself "Jenn- bath towels and wet paper towels; Laura- Focus babe- I need you to FOCUS! Hand me your shoe, give me your shirt. Jenn, right here. Laura, move the towel hon the paint is drying, it's OK!"

The mess was finally cleaned up and we are still laughing about it; I was pitiful!

On another note, although it's quite weird, and probably more saddening, is the thought that this will be my final apartment as a single women. The next time I move, it will be because I'm getting married. Now, while that is still a ways away the thought of moving out with out my Roomie & best friend makes me want to cry. Jenn knows me better if not just as well as Jonathan does; and grant it she probably knows MORE about me because she's lived with me. She holds a very very special place in my heart, and for now I will relish and enjoy our time together...marriage is coming, but definitley not on the fore-front of my mind.

Here are a few pics of our place!

You'll have to come visit sometime, it's just the greatest little place ever!

Web-site of the Day:
Absolutley hilarious!


  1. Love the new place, Laura O! Cherish and enjoy these days . . . I know you'll make great memories with your beloved friends and family!


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