Dallas Traffic

Dallas traffic is it's own little unique world that makes this city so fabulous. I always have my camera with me...everywhere I go, and yes I mean everywhere. So of course you can imagine me driving down the road and seeing the most random things in traffic and then hurriedly digging for my camera to capture the moment before it passes me by. All while driving VERY safely Mom :) Here is some of my traffic moments captured.

On my way to work from house sitting up in Allen. At the corner of Hedgecoxe and Independence I pull up to realize that everyone's attention is focused below their vehicles on the road in front of them. A mother duck and her 10 baby chicks crossing the road...Awwww. If you look closely there is one yellow one...I'm slightly partial to him and named him "Hughey."
Driving home from Grapevine after a rain and spotted the most beautiful rainbow. Incidentally that day the Lord WAS teaching me a lesson about His faithfulness...and then He wow's me with this lovely reminder that He really is faithful and good.
Ok not sure if you can see this one... this is a town car jacked up about 3 ft off the ground and has about a 15 inch monitor DVD set up...2 Words: GHETTO FAB.
I really wonder what the gas mileage is on these "Smart" cars. If you're not careful you can blink and miss these cars in traffic.
I was hoping my camera would be good enough (in which it's not) to capture the beauty of the sun gleaming through the clouds. This was a beautiful day on 635.

I go through the Addison Airport Tunnel every day going to and from work...and I love it.
Hopefully there will be more traffic obscenities to be posted later. I saw someone's yard the other day that had count it...5 blow up structures in their yard for Halloween. You could barely see the house, I still wish I would have gotten that one. Darn, maybe next time.

Website of the day: http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com/This is absolutely hilarious. World Beard Growers Championship. Yes people it exists! Enjoy.


  1. I love your new layout! So cute. And agreed that Dallas traffic is...interesting...that is one thing i DO NOT miss! :) but the duckies are way cute! :)


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