Do you remember the time....

Have you ever been walking down the street and you see, or smell something that immediately triggers your memory? Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains; another, a moonlit beach; a third, a family dinner of pot roast and warm pecan pie during a cold December in a small town. Smells detonate softly in our memory like poignant land mines hidden under the weedy mass of years. Hit a tripwire of smell and memories explode all at once. A complex vision leaps out of the undergrowth. This has been happening a lot to me lately and I find it absolutely amazing how our senses can trigger our minds to travel back to a time of bliss, heartache, blessing, sadness, and happiness all in a matter of seconds. Isn't it funny when we look back on the times that we laughed, and we will cry. We look back on the times that we cried, and then we will laugh.

"Take care of all your memories, for you cannot relive them"- Bob Dylan

There's that one song that always takes me back to my 8th grade boyfriend, and our first dance.

There's this one meal that I remember an amazing man fixing for me on an anniversary.

There's this one brand of shoes that I love now because someone special made me try them on.

Every time I smell "Mackie" perfume I'm reminded of my childhood hairdresser...(I know, that one is random).

I can't listen to Mr. Big without thinking of riding in a blue Ford pickup during an amazing summer with an amazing friend.

There's this one store that I remember hiding in the clothing racks with my sister when I was a kid.

I can't go into a consignment store without thinking of Kate's Resale, my grandmother's consignment store for over 16 years.

Every time I really "do" my eyes up with eyeshadow I always think of when I worked at Clinique and played everyday in the eyeshadow.

The smell of a cigar reminds me of how my dad would always smoke outside on the front porch swing when we were kids.

When I fix my hair in a pony tail I always remember how my dad used to mount Dana and I between the bathroom door way and try to fix our hair to go out and we would always say "Why can't you french braid my hair?" And Dad would always say "Cause the only way I know how to fix your hair is in a damn ponytail!" Hahaha. (That one makes me laugh every time)

I can't read John Maxwell without thinking of that amazing summer internship in Liberty, TX.

A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen. -Edward de Bono

These are just some of the things I've thought about this past week, and thinking about the past also launches my mind toward the future...what kind of memories am I making right now? Are they good memories? Will I remember this moment 3 years from now? Will I remember to tell my kids this when I get old? Is the way I'm spending my time now, worth the memory later? Am I apart of someone else's memories? Am I worth someone's memories?

I can't help but wonder what the future holds and how God is going to make my puny little life worth-while. Today is one of those days where my mood is just blah and I need something amazing to lift my spirits. I need to make a memory with someone.

Website of the day: This is a website where people can tell their own true stories, and memories. There is a new story posted on the site everyday. Submit your own memory!


  1. I always remember and love the way aunt susie's house smelled.. i don't know what it is...
    and i remember the way the back surgery room at the vet clinic smelled.. that first pungent stench of blood and animal that made me rethink my potential career as a veterinarian.

  2. reminded me of this...


    I am haunted by the memories
    That means so much to me

    I still hear them
    I still feel them
    But never can I relive them

    They tease me with their joy
    And for a moment
    I see everything through the eyes of a little boy

    And I realize…
    How flippant time is with our lives
    And how we must savor every instant
    For tomorrow we die.


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