...The Power to Dream

I think I've lost my power to dream. I've been in a season here lately where I am asked almost everyday "What do you wanna do with your life?" Holy crap, I wish I knew. I don't even think as a child I was the little piggy-tailed girl running around telling everyone I was going to be a police officer, firefighter, or elephant trainer in the circus. I had dreams when I was younger of things I wanted to do in my life, but I've lost them...I literally have no recollection of them. Even still now I know I'm called to do something SO different with my life, but I have no idea what. I think God has crippled my dreaming ability and let me just be content with going which ever way the wind blows.

Recently a friend http://www.jonathangaspard.blogspot.com/ shared some of his poetry with me. This is something that apparently he had been doing for quite sometime...his words of inspiration, sorrow, guilt, love, apologies, and conviction we're pieces of himself...on paper, a plethora of work :) But after sitting and reading , I said "You should publish a book." Little did I know where those words would lead... After saying this my friend began to share his entire vision for his published work...it was one of those things that he has always wanted to do. Right at that moment, something hit me... a vision, a dream, a desire in my heart that was lost waiting to be found. (And if you're thinking that I've always wanted to be a publisher...you're wrong)

So have you ever had something that you've always wanted to do in your life? Something that you just feel like you need to do before you turn a certain age or even before you kick the bucket? For me I've always wanted to skydive, see the 7 wonders of the world, do missionary work overseas, go to Australia, OK you get the point, I could go on forever. For the first time in a very long time I had a vision of the very thing I want to do with my life... I want to be the liaison between people and their destiny's.

You've always wanted to go skydiving? I would set up the time, place, do your paperwork and send you on your way to jump out of a plane.

You want to publish your poetry? I'll do the research, develop your business model, find you an agent, publisher, get copy writes on your work, and next thing you know you're doing a book signing in the middle of B&N.

Ever wanted to travel somewhere? I'll be your travel agent, set you up on an expedition across foreign lands, book your flights, plan out your week, and the next thing you know you're on the Discovery Channel hiking across the Swiss Alps.

I know....it sounds weird, but that's the only way that I know it's God, I could never dream up something this crazy on my own. Before I went to bed last night I sat on the edge of my bed and God literally downloaded the entire business model and plan for this vision...I'm talkin' website design, guarantees, insurance stuff, marketing, logos....it's all here....in my head. The question is...how does it come out? I know I'm making the idea sound pretty vague right now, I'd rather explain it to you in person and have you look at me like I'm an idiot rather than you reading it and not quite understanding me completely.

So whether my dreaming ability has been re-instated or is just in a state of rehabilitation is still in question. But I do know that it's been a very long time since I have felt a sense of worth in this area of my life. I think I just want to help people make their dreams and destiny come to fruition.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy. ~ Proverbs 13:12 (NLT)

Cool Website of the day: http://www.urbandictionary.com/
This is funny, useful, and it's pretty much a slang dictionary.


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