Have you ever stopped to look...

You ever wonder if God just likes to surprise us...just cause? A friend just recently poured out an amazing prophetic word over me, that literally shook me to the core. More than just heeding to this word, it has made me take note of how God decides to lavish his love on us...just because. Sometimes not having any expectation can make for excellent surprises. It's the small things in life that I love...

Warm towels fresh out of the dryer

The way I sink into my couch after a long day

80 degree weather, sun, and the fresh spring wind

Getting new netflix movies in the mail

The smell of home when you're a million miles away

Fun pajamas that I wear only for myself

Laughing till I cry and it hurts to breath

Beautiful sunsets on the way home from work

The way my dog pees all over herself when she's so excited to see me

Freshly shaved legs

Coffee table books...even though I don't own a coffee table

Blaring a good song with the windows rolled down while eating a popcicle and singing as loud as humanly possible

The power I get when wearing 4 inch heels and a pencil skirt

Taking memorable photos

Getting cracked by my good lookin' chiropractor

Baking delectable goodies just because

The smell of fresh flowers

Music that makes you want to dance

Sweet puppy kisses

Song lyrics from the heart that make you have to rewind just to hear them again

The way homeade popcorn flys everywhere

Handwritten letters

My Abbey Road Beatles album above my toilet

Pearls...large pearls and the class of a woman wearing them

Black and white photos

Passionate, random, surprising kisses when you least expect them

Songs that take me back to 8th grade

House cleaning on Saturday's with all of my windows and doors open

Getting compliments on the way I smell

Talking with Dana (my sister) about things no one else knows about

Playing raquet ball till I'm sore

Finding unique antiques and vintage clothing and jewelery

Being cheek-to-cheek with a hot bearded or 5 o'clock shadowed guy :)

The way the smell of a cigar reminds me of my father

Wearing cool hats

Waking up with the sun and not setting my alarm


The smell of a fresh Christmas tree

Dark chocolate

The way me and my step-dad make fun of my mom

Returning home and standing in awe of how beautiful my mother is everytime I see her

Getting teary eyed reading the statement above

Beating a super competitive guy at a sport

Playing board games

Getting chill-bumps when watching a movie

My love for classical music, theatre, and the arts.

My sister.

Being ok with not knowing what's to come tomorrow

These...yes let's break out into song...these are a few of my favorite things. My prayer each day is to see the small things that God decides to surprise us with. I don't think I stop long enough to take in the small things. My dad once told me that life isn't about the significant events that we go through, but it's the small things that make life worth living. Why in childhood and youth do we wish time to pass so quickly? We want to grow up so fast, but as adults we wish just the opposite. All the lessons you learn in childhood kind of come in waves, and remembering moments like these I retain the sad sweet reflection of having the struggles of my life, the dangers, toils and snares of my childhood hyms. Loyalty and love are the best things of all and surely the most lasting, and the small moments have made me realize this.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. " Ephesians 1:3

Website of the day: www.postsecret.com Post secret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homeade post card...wow.


  1. :)

    (that's it...just smiles...good stuff)

  2. Wow i didnt know you had a blog page! I totally know what your talking about miss laura


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