Broken in all the same places

Today I'm feeling very....Philosophical.

Everyday for the past 4 months I feel like I awake in a new world everyday. Not like an "Oh my gosh, I never knew that sign meant to slow down, I always thought it was a pretty upsidedown triangle!?" kind of way. But more of an "Wow Lord, I have no idea what this day will bring me, but I am so ready to begin it with you," kind of way. Everyday I think I learn something new about myself, the world, and the people in it. I try to keep a journal every here and now and just write down what I have learned in that day. Here are some of my favorite entry's that you can enjoy, some you'll probably laugh at, one way or the other....glean from my wisdom.

Haha. ok we'll start out with a funny one:

February 3rd: Guys are stupid actually

February 8th: Between a situation and your response is your ability to choose your response
(I think I was just beginning to read 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'...a great read by the way if you need a good book)

February 10th: THINK Laura ..Think, think, think before stupidity comes barreling out of your mouth!

February 14th: Innocence is not as innocent as you think it is

February 19th: You have no clue what you're know that right? You think you know what's best...but you really don't. You better consult God before you even think about making your next move.

(Oh here's a good one...I might actually have to be quoted on this one)
March 2nd: We are not at all who we believe ourselves to be.

(Haha. Here's a funny one...but very true)
March 15th: Do you need a man to tell you you're beautiful...HELL NO!!

March 30th: People will waste your time only when you give it to them. Don't forget when speaking to people don't lay all of yourself out on the table at one time. Keep your heart guarded that way others won't have the opportunity to break it.

(Latest and most truthful)
April 8th: People would never do the things they do if they knew someone was watching them.

Today I went to my friend Michael Lee's new music store, Mic'd Music and took some cool pictures for a marketing project I have due in my Advertising and Promotion class. I have always had a knack for photography, I love it. (And yes Dana I love your work the best) So anyway, I went by took a couple of shots that would be good for a magazine ad or a direct mail ad. So here are just a few of the one's I took:

Now Lord, I hope Dana doesn't read this post and start critiquing my work.

Told you I was good...huh? huh?

And to answer your question no Dana did not teach me everything I know...I'm self taught thank you.

Ok last one.

Alright, so I do weddings, children, sporting events, engagement pictures...JUST KIDDING! So those are fun huh? Thought you might enjoy them.

Oh my Lord this has turned into like a super long post huh? And I haven't even gotten to the real meat of what I wanted to talk about. Gah, I am so bad at fiddle-farting around!

Ok back to being philosophical....ummm oh yea....So I've been going to a bible study on Tuesday nights at my friend Ali's apartment with a great group of girls. The study we are doing is Angela Thomas', "A Beautiful Offering," its over the Sermon on the Mount. I don't know if you've ever heard of this woman, they say she's kind of like Beth Moore's prototype...(is that possible, to be someone's prototype? I wonder if she knows that people refer to her that way?) Anyway, this woman is so REAL, and when I mean real, she just lays it all out there. She is honest and upfront about how stupid we are sometimes, and how stupid other people are! (It's super great when you realize that your stupidity can pass for intelligence.) Anyway...She makes you feel like..."OH, you feel that way too? I thought I was the only crazy one!" She is not afraid to be goofy or tell you the way things really are...I love it when spiritual people can relate! AMEN. If you are wondering when I'm going to get to the point of what I'm trying to say...won't be much longer....k? Ok.

Today's title of my blog was "Broken in all the same places..." In this study Angela talks about her hardships she has gone through and the heartache she has faced, etc. etc. And the great thing about this woman is that she is so vulnerable with you...but it's so great because then YOU in turn become vulnerable to God, and then after that He just takes hold and WHEW hang on cause He's bound to do something crazy after that! Well anyway, I was reading over one of last weeks lessons today where she speaks about brokenness. She says that after so many months after a tribulation of heartache and pain or whatever your going through, you should be feeling like God has healed you (kind of refers to that "Time heals all wounds" thing). But the funny thing she says is, "At first, it's okay to weep openly and brush a few tears away. Eventually it seems like enough time has passed, even though it hasn't, so we smile politely, pretend we've healed, and run home to ache all alone...Our hearts have been broken and they are even still being broken in all the same places over and over again." This spoke volumes to me! Earlier this year (about 4 months ago) I faced one of the hardest trials I have ever faced and even still now 4 months later I feel like I should be healed by now, but like Angela said, my heart is still breaking in all the same places. So after reading this I thought to myself..."You know Laura, God WILL heal you...but only in His have to lay down every agenda of your own on the alter and leave it there." The word also says in 2nd Corinthians verse 7: We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us." So here's the revelation to catch....we are like jars of clay....jars of clay can be broken, am I right? The Bible also says that we are as clay in the hands of the Potter (Jesus) apparently if God is as good as He says He is....AND HE IS....then He can break my little jar of clay life, mess me up real good, then put me back on the potter's wheel, and make me brand new all over again. Because if I recall, all things are made new in Christ Jesus....yeah...good preachin' right there. Heck I'll even AMEN myself....AMEN!

So to finally wrap all of this up, if you find yourself being broken in all the same places, as I have been:

1) Pray for God to break your jar of clay little heart and make it all brand new....because if you ask, He WILL answer

2) Slap your self across the face and look in the mirror and tell yourself you are freakin' awesome because you've actually realized that God is just THAT GOOD!

3) Go find a right now....and tell them about what God is going to and is doing in your life. Give them a real big hug and tell them that they have nice hair and good teeth....if they don't ...make something else up like "You have a super funny laugh" everyone loves to hear that they have a cool laugh.

and 4) tell them that your stinkin' awesome friend Laura talks WAY too much, but she is super cool and that they need to come read her blog, and leave her a comment.

Alright so you know what that means! The cool website of the day is: you guessed it....

Haha. Hey I don't wanna feel like I'm talking to myself on this dumb blog! Haha. You thought it was gunna be some cool website. Anyway...Get some of your friends to come read about my oh-so-interesting life. And when leaving a comment if you don't have a Blogger account it's ok, just check the "Other" option and type your name so I know who ya are!

Alright, until my next philosophical moment...I'm out.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    loved that.


  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Good stuff Laura....

    But, in reference to guarding your heart with other people, I wanted to say that I understand that oh too well. It is hard to put it all out there, not knowing if someone will take advantage of that or not. But, I've also come to realize it is important to give your all in relationships. I don't mean every person you meet, but in personal relationships. How can you ever expect someone to open up to you completely and have a deep relationship with them if you don't do the same? Just some words for thought....

  3. Hey girl,
    Love your blog! I'll try to check it often. As crazy as you are, I still think you've got your head on straight and you know where your Strength comes from. Hang in there. Please visit your little cousin's blog at and leave a comment. It's not always as philosophical as yours, but it's fun. We don't use our real names for obvious reasons.
    We love you.

  4. Hey. How are you? It's been awhile. I love what you had to say. It really spoke to me in what I am feeling right now. Thank you.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    yeah, i did enjoy the photos.. the last one is my favorite. I figured some of my photographic genius would rub off on you one day..haha.
    love from the west.


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